Online safety
The Wells Free School recognises and values the potential of the internet to enhance learning. The internet and electronic technologies are part of every child’s life. They can be exciting, engaging and can significantly improve children’s knowledge and understanding of many aspects both within school and at home. We aim to teach all pupils: to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
As a school we have a membership to to help both staff and parents teach TWFS children about online safety. If you require support in logging in as a parent please contact the school office. |
What Parents Need to Know
Below are some of the Wake Up Wednesday Factsheets produced by National Online Safety.
Among Us Factsheet
Facebook Factsheet
How to set up parental controls- Android
How to set up parental controls-Apple
Instagram Factsheet
Minecraft Factsheet
Netflix Factsheet
Roblox Factsheet
Snapchat Factsheet
Squid Game Factsheet
Supporting children to deal with upsetting content-a guide for parents
Telegram Factsheet
TikTok Factsheet
What Parents Need to Know About Age Inappropriate Content
WhatsApp Factsheet
X (formally known as Twitter) Factsheet
YouTube Factsheet
Useful Websites
The following links will take you to websites designed to give guidance to help parents to keep children safe online at home.
Thinkuknow is the education portal from CEOP (Child Exploitation Online Protection agency website). It provides guidance and information for adults and children, including games and activities for children to do. Find out the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it. |
UK Safer Internet Centre - Along with the many positive things which young people may see or experience online, they may also encounter things which may worry or upset them. This could be anything from a scary picture or hateful comment, to something which is intended for an adult audience or potentially even illegal content. |
Childnet has a dedicated area to support parents and carers with information on key online safety topics, advice and activities to share with your child. a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. The Parents/Carers section provides lots of guidance and advice about all aspects of how to keep your child safe online. |
Digital Parenting
The Digital Parenting website offers parents a wealth of information and advice about the latest digital technologies, including how to put controls in place and the kind of challenges children and young people might face in their digital world.
Click here for the Digital Parents Guide to Smart Life with Tech.