Medical Information for Parents
Is My Child Too Ill For School?
Helpful information on when a child should be kept off school or shouldn’t, please click here.
School Nurse Team
This includes information on the service offered and contact details. Please see leaflet here.
First Aid and Administering Medicine
This is detailed in our school First Aid policy. If your child needs to have medication in school, you will need to complete a medicine permission form. Please hand this form into the school office with the labelled medicine and this will be given to your child's teacher.
Eat Well Plate
From the Department of Health to encourage healthy eating in families, click here.
Behaviour Handy Hints
Some handy hints on managing behaviour from the Solihull Approach, click here.
Get Ready for School Leaflet
Key areas that parents can work on developing before their child starts school. Please see leaflet here.
How much sleep children need and sleep hygiene, for information please click here.
Head Lice
Information on spotting and treating head lice including the BugBuster kit, please click here.
ERIC – wee and poo before you go to school
Helping parents to ensure their child is ‘toilet ready’ for school. Please click here for information.
Talking to Children About Feelings
Practical tips for parents/carers on how to emotional support their children, click here.
Advice for bedwetting, please click here for information.
NHS Advice will take you the NHS website where you are able to search their A to Z of health conditions and find the relavent approved advice.